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Requirements for the Circle of Sports Award
(Taken directly from the Water-Oak Circle of Sports By-Laws)

Article VIII - Circle of Sports Award
Section 1 Eligibility:

A) Must be 40 years of age or older.
B) Must have contributed much in sports and/or athletics during lifetime as a player, coach, manager, supporter, etc. in Watertown or Oakville.
C) A Gold Ring application for each nominee must be submitted to the President prior to the January meeting.
D) Only a member in good standing can be nominated.


Section 2 - Number of Circle of Sports Awards:
A maximum of three (3) rings will be given per year.


Section 3 - Procedures For Voting For Ring Recipients:
A) The President will advertise in the local media the notice of the January meeting for nominations and the February meeting for voting rights.
B) Only the members on the list presented by the Secretary and Treasurer will be eligible to vote.
C) Each member may have the privilege to nominate candidates and must be prepared to show cause via the “Circle of Sports Award Application”.
D) All applications will be presented to the Selection Committee and evaluated using the rating scale.  The Selection Committee will present the five (5) top candidates at the scheduled February meeting.
E) Each member shall have a vote for his/her top three (3) choices from the top five (5) vote getters.
F) A tie will require a re-vote to declare a winner.
G) Note: Please remember only those paid up members as of the December meeting can vote.


* * * Serving the Watertown-Oakville Athletic Community Since 1977 * * *

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Water-Oak Circle of Sports

 PO Box 398

Watertown, CT   06795

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